Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Norm-refrenced test and Criterion-refrenced test

A norm- referenced test is a test that determines a student’s placement on a normal curve. This is known as being graded with a curve. An example of a norm-referenced test would be the SAT’s that you take in middle school and in high school. These types of testing can also be used for representing an age group that; is used for diagnosis and or placement. A criterion-referenced test will determine how a child has learned a specific skill. An example of a criterion-referenced test is the multiple choice test like you take when you are getting your license. I took a criterion-referenced test when I got my license. I also took a norm-referenced when I took my SAT’s in high school. I think that the criterion-referenced test helped me to know more about driving and the ways to be safe while driving. When I took the norm-referenced test when I took my SAT’s did not support my learning to help me learn anything. It just told me how much I knew in each subject with a percentage of how good I did verse the total of students that took the same test. I think that it would support my learning if I did badly and then the teacher gave me work to understand that subject more and also do better the next time I take the test.

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