Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Purpose and Learning Outcome, Assessment Context, Holistic Rubric & Testing Constraints

Grade 4

Subject Language Arts: Poetry Writing


The purpose of this Poetry writing project is to develop an assessment plan, as I bring this course to an end I first need to take my journey a step further having knowledge how to organize, reliable method of teaching, learning and assessment plans for field of early education. In my reading and through our assignment it is important to have a strong objective and learning outcomes are also important for this assessment plan. My intention is to demonstrate to my students reading poems or any literature can be fun.  After reading some of Shel Silversteim pomes I began to think of activities and ways to introduce poetry writing to my struggling fourth grade language arts class. In addition, the purpose of my assessment plan will function as a guide for me during my teaching career as it allows me to stay on track, the sole purpose is to remember what was taught in this course that “instructional objectives should be a clear and concise statement of skill or skills that your students will be expected to perform after a unit of instruction” (Kubiszyn & Borich, pg.110, 2010).  Let’s see where our poetry writing journey will take us. My 4th grade Language Arts class will be expected to write poetry and define the terms.

Learning Objective:

The skills that I wanted my students to focus on are the writing activities and journal writing. I will be grading on creativity, neatness. Student and parents will receive a rubric assessment for this unit, that would assess the student’s proficiency after completing the three week poetry writing unit and activities and their journal writing exercises; and a Journal Checklist that would be used for following the guidelines to assess the content knowledge they learned.

Learning Outcomes:

We will spend time learning to analyze, reading the biography of Shel Silverstein as well as memorize a poem, individually recite a poem, recite poetry together as a class, improve their pronunciation skills.

Assessment Context:

In the assessment context the students and I will use this time to be creative, I believe teaching and modeling what the students are learning, if the teacher follows the steps to writing poetry the students will follow the steps as well. The students will have to be, good listeners in order to follow instructions for their final presentation at the end of this session. During this unit week’s student will be assessed, by multiple choice questions, oral exam, journal writing skills, short answer and essay questions.  


The following Journal Checklist will be used to assess the content of this assignment:

 Does the journal:

1. Demonstrate the acquisition of key skills?

2. Include tips and discussion notes?

3. Include original poetry?

4. Include activities and pre writing exercises?

Holistic Rubric:

While creating the holistic rubric for this assignment my “students are required to have knowledge and remember testing items such as apply what they have learned, analyze, created, fine and identify” (Kubiszyn & Borich, pg.118, 2010

Grading Percentage                                                              Percent

Oral Discussions                                                                      10%

Paper Pencil Test                                                                     25%

Creative Writing                                                                       25%    

Project                                                                                     40%

Total:                                                                                       100%                                      


Below are the test items and scoring rubric, the rubrics are used to assess students’ proficiency with poetry writing activities. Students will be evaluated on whether they are improving or whether they may need additional instructional help or support from the teacher or support team.


5                      Proficient                  A high degree of competence.

4                      Capable                    An above average degree of competence.

3                      Satisfactory              A satisfactory degree of competence.

2                      Emerging                  A limited degree of competence.     

1                      Beginning                 No Key elements are adequately developed.



Testing Constraints:

The amount of time given is 60 minutes totally for completing a performance test. Student were    given materials four sheets of school lined paper stapled together alone with two number pencils. Verbal and written instruction about completing their essay paper were to be at least one page writing about the author and instructions on how to answer and define vocabulary words. Students were instructed to do their best but to circle any question they were unsure of and return back to before the testing session ended. Remain seated and sit quietly until all tests have been completed and turned in. All students will have knowledge of the scoring criteria that is inserted into their testing materials; the scorning system is consistent and fair. There is one proctor assigned to class during testing sessions students may not ask her help in reading materials. The second testing session students will be assigned to a computer and given one hour to create a power point presentation to demonstrate prior knowledge what they have learned, for this is a very weighted score. By now parents and students should know the standards by which I will score their project and assessment. Information used from (Kubiszyn & Borich, pg.201, 202). 





Kubiszyn, T. & Borich, G. (2010). Educational testing & measurement: Classroom application and practice (9th ed.). John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, NJ.



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