Thursday, September 6, 2012

Validity, Reliability, and Accuracy

Validity, Reliability, and Accuracy
Dawn Stevane
EDU645: Learning & Assessment for the 21st Century (MRB1231B)
Instructor:  Richard Newman
September 3, 2012
            Week five assignment is to choose a learning outcome and draft an assessment that supports the outcome and also explain how you used validity and reliability in your assessment. I will use the poem Batty by Shel Silverstein. I will read the poems from Shel Silverstien and this will help the children by using rhyme and repetition. By reading these poems to the children they will help the children to gain their memorization skills and learn to create an enjoyment and interest in poetry. Even though they are short they are just the right poems to try and figure out what the message is in the poems.

            The learning outcomes will be:

The student will memorize a poem, the student will individually recite a poem, the students will recite poetry together as a class, and the students will improve their pronunciation skills.


 The objective to the first lesson will be the children will start to recognize the rhyming words from each line. The children are given a copy of two poems.

Test Item:

The students will read the poem to try and memorize it. The students will find the rhyming words in each line. Then will answer questions to figure out what the poem is about.

Questions about poem one are; What words rhyme with light?,  How many times is the word light used?,  Does the word light have the same meaning each time it is used?,  When is light used as a noun, verb, or an adjective?

Questions for poem two are; What words rhyme with rain?, What word rhymes with head?, When is rain used as a noun, verb, or an adjective?

 Poem 1 Batty By Shel Silverstein

 The baby bat

 Screamed out in fright,

 “Turn on the dark,

 I’m afraid of the light.”

 Poem 2 Rain by Shel Silverstein

I opened my eyes

And looked up at the rain,

And it dripped in my head

And flowed into my brain,

And all that I hear as I lie in my bed

Is the slishity-slosh of the rain in my head.

 I step very softly,

I walk very slow,

I can't do a handstand--

I might overflow,

So pardon the wild crazy thing I just said--

I'm just not the same since there's rain in my head.


            When the class has finished reading the poem they will discuss what they have learned and then they will write in their journals about the poem and also try and write a poem in their own words about the poem the read or anything they can think of. Then they will compare the poems of everyone else and look how the poem should be written while the teacher writes it in the board with the correct punctuation. The teacher will ask the students which poems are similar and why. The will also discuss which poem they liked and which poems they disliked and why. The students will write these notes in their journal so they can have all different types of poems in their journal to research the different kinds of poems.

            Then the children will read other poems form the author of the first poem and compare each poem because they are all different and have different styles. Some poems are short and some poems are long, some have rhyming words and others don’t have a word that rhymes at all. After writing their own poem in their journal the children will draw a picture that represents what they think their poem means.

Hypothetical Assessment

            I have chosen theoretical; if students were assessed on every element of the learning outcomes (e.g. multiple choice items, essay items, authentic assessment, true false, matching etc.) then the teacher would have covered every learning objective describe. If the students researched, listen to the read materials, took notes completed their journal writing assignments, explained and defined the major differences of poems, drama, and prose, were able to refer to the structural elements of the follow writing process to create poetry at first glance this should have been fairly easy.  

            The class should be able to relate and make a connection to the author by following the provided activities creating a list of words using nouns and adjectives as well as brainstorming, and writing ideas for their own poems this was in the first day of introduction to poetry writing.

The objective was to introduce students to Poetry Writing; by expanding their knowledge through visual connections, auditory while learning and explaining the terms and having fun do this project. The student should be able to demonstrate proficiency when completing the test items.

Testing Constraints

Students were told to do their best but not to spend too much time on a question they were unsure of but to circle the number and if  time permits return to that question and work on the question some more. At best students will have to apply their cognitive thinking skill. The teacher will write on the board the time they may begin and the time they will end. A 10 minute warning will be announces down to times up. The students will be provided testing materials two number two pencils and each student will be given four stapled sheets of paper to record their answers on. The students will be instructed what to do next. Write complete sentences and at least one page essay about the author and add at least three or more sentences to complete poem one and poem two.


Below are the test items and scoring rubric these rubrics are used to assess students’ proficiency with poetry writing activities.

5 -                    Proficient
4                      Capable                                  

3                      Satisfactory                           

2                      Emerging                                    

1                      Beginning                                 

            In conclusion I will make sure that the children learn the lesson before I move on. I will go over it until the children understand it. I will also have after and before school help of the children need it. It is important to make sure that the children understand  a lesson before moving on.


Kubiszyn, T. & Borich, G. (2010). Educational testing & measurement: Classroom application and practice (9th ed.). John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, NJ.



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